Some people, especially the young of age, carelessly deny the existence of God not because they understand anything about the process of life and the reality of the mighty Universe that surrounds us and the might and power of the creator which it reflects: nay they deny God only because it is "fashionable" to do so. They think that by denial of God they will be more "accepted in society" and considered "intellectually liberated" but on the contrary the truth is that by denying God one would be "liberated of all intelligence”. The true intellectual liberation is the "treasure of those minds" who are liberated intellectually from "accepting any concept of God" which is "irrational and is merely based on priestly authority". Neither do they believe in any dogmas which are "man-made" and are presented to mankind as emanating from human deities, considered to be the "saviors of our souls", nor do they succumb to intellectual slavery by accepting any theory which is being "imposed authoritatively" and by force on them without their right "to question it".

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